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Download Dieselpunk Wars .exe


About This Game FeaturesBuild combat vehicles from over 180 unique elementsAdvanced destruction simulationMany types of weapons with different behaviorsEach projectiles have own ballistics ,penetration, ricochet mechanicSimulation of aerodynamic, buoyancy, fires, floodingUnlock new part by making a different missionsModify you vehicle for make it best adopted to specific missionsDefeat enemies vehicles, exploit their weak pointsWin race on land, water and air against time or opponentsGain new levels and use active powersVehicles can drive, float, dive underwater and fly by use of balloons, wings and propellersBig open world to explore with challenges and elements to collectVehicles have own ranges of visibility and detect In Battle mode where you can set a custom combat between own created unitsCreative mode where you can build any vehicle you wantIntegrated Steam workshop to share your creativityAbout GameGame is about building vehicles and steering them to defeat other constructions or achieving specific goal. Good ship design must consider hull shape for receive low drag, guns placement, securing viable parts from enemies fire, place propellers, engines, fuel supplies to make it move fast enough etc. Game ModesMain sandbox mode is about unlocking all parts by completing a missions and collecting special items, progress also increase player build power limit and give a experience to level up. Each levels give skill points to unlock pasive or active power in skill tree. Battle simulation mode will alow to create any number of AI controlled, saved vehicles, divide they to two armies and watch with units will win. Creative mode will allow to build anything, spawn many vehicles and set theirs AI. It will be also multiplayer, in which players can check whose vehicle is better.DestructionMost important part of any ship is it core block, there can be only one of this type and its destruction annihilate whole vehicle. Every block must have connection to core, each element have own hit points, vulnerability of fire, impact and explosion, some can be flooded or lose its lift power. Each destroyed element change ship's combat capabilities, so different blocks placement can improve ship survivability and efficiency.WeaponsEach weapons is separate object with own logic and physics. Before shooting they checking if they don't hit or collide with their own vehicle. Weapons types include many variant of artillery, rockets, machine guns, flamethrowers, torpedo launchers, bombs, depth charges and crazy close combat weapons. Unique weapons is harpoon which can grab and pull enemies or pull own ship to ground.PhysicsShape and size of vehicle's hull affect its air and water drag. Ship with lots of slope angles will be faster than brick like. Some blocks generate buoyancy or lift, center of it must be balanced with center of mass. Ocean has a realistic waves simulation, there is also a wind that can be used by sails.MechanicsGame have quite realistic gun ballistic and armor's penetration mechanic, angled surfaced have better protection from piercing and can ricochet incoming bullets. For many blocks you can change the type of material it is made of, materials have different weights and other properties. Enemy ships can behavior different depend on weapons they have installed and their goals.VisibilityEach vehicle have own detection range parameter and view range in four directions depends of its size and placement od spoting elements. Game checks whether one ship see another by comparing they detect, view range and by checking line of sight. There is also camouflage elements. 1075eedd30 Title: Dieselpunk WarsGenre: Indie, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:Roasted GamesPublisher:PlayWay S.A.Release Date: Coming Soon Download Dieselpunk Wars .exe Hello and welcome, little tutorial at first: Dieselpunk Wars is game focusing on building combat vehicles, however even building of most basic vehicle must follow few rules. Most important part of any vehicle is Command block, it can be only one per construction, if its been destroyed whole construction will be annihilated.Vehicle need some power to move so next step will be adding engine But engine will not work without fuel so lets add some coalLast step to build moveable vehicle is some kind of propulsion, small wheels in this case, wheels on front are different type they can be steeredBecause its combat vehicle some weapons will be useful, but guns need ammunition so lets also add ammo storageThanks for attention, cheers. Day and night cycle: Environment was enriched by nights, sunrises and sunsets. There is also a lot of new decorative blocks and as you can see lights in any colors.. Water vehicles: Hello, this part is about making stable, not sinking and fast water constructions. At first vehicle need displacement to stay above water surface, hull blocks have buoyancy dependent to its material, wood have best but is most fragile. Others element have any buoyancy so must be enough and well placement hull blocks.To help find the right balance, you can turn on indicators in corner of screenWhen the ship rolls over or when hull blocks take damages they will start to take in water, vehicle lose its displacement and going to sink, but pump and repair blocks can hold back thisTo move and control vehicle in water you need some kind of propulsion like screw, paddle wheel or sail and a steer. Also using more slopes in hull construction make ship faster without needed to add more engines and propulsions.. Open world and missions: Hi, the world to exploration consists of 3 large islands and a large number of smaller ones with different biomes.In addition to the grassy island, it will be a desert one with canyon, icy one, swamps, volcanic and something special under waterThere will be also cities, industry, ports, airport and fortified bases. Almost all of these structures can be destroyed by means of weapons or rammingIn main mode to unlock all elements and increase limit as large you can build, you must carry out the missions located around the world and collect screws (for decorative elements).A mission is chosen by drive to question mark, their goal may be to destroy enemy vehicles or buildings, win a race, transport something or surviveFor these activities and for destruction of aggressive vehicles or buildings, you also get an experience point to unlock skills. Another method of flying: Gas balloons don't need power but they are weaker than propellers, so lets build simple droneIs flying but can't move in axis other than vertical, it need gyroscope stabilizer to tilt and use some lift force to move horizontalEditor have two modes one to place/remove block and other to tune selected block, change it steering keys, change it power and other things, dependent to block type. Lets turn on 'steering' toggle in each gyroscopesOf course vehicle can be much bigger and complex than this examples. Enviroment look little better now:. Missions, skill tree, level progression: Main game goal will be increasing potential to build larger and more advanced vehicles and developing the captain's abilities in similar way like in RPG games.Reward for completing a missions is experience points, unlocking new parts and increase strength limit, for which you can build a vehicle. Strength of vehicle is sum of strength of its elements.In addition to passive skills that increase statistics, you can also choose 4 active skills, activated with keys, with cooldown.Thanks to them you can make a small repair during the mission (because you can't rebuild vehicle during mission), temporarily increase the firepower or speed, etc. There is also a skill that allows you to switch weapons to be controlled by AI.


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